Power in Motherhood

My assignment category for this month is power. After my initial thoughts of bodybuilders etc my mind went to Motherhood. There are very few things in life more powerful than being a mother. Even on the days that you may be inwardly screaming, you would do anything to protect that tiny person. This is my…

Prompt of the Day

What personal belongings do you hold most dear? In my younger days I was something of a hoarder. I found it impossible to throw anything away and kept everything no matter how tatty it was. I remember as a child crying my eyes out because my mum threw away a picture in a frame that…

Making Pizza with Mum

For Christmas I bought my mum a box of ‘things to do with mum bucket list scratch cards’. In the box there are 52 cards each containing a different idea of things to do to spend time together and make memories. Last week we scratched off ‘go to the park’ and we both had a…

Mummy Hoarding

Like many other parents of babies who are not babies anymore, I have literally bags upon bags of baby clothes that Evie couldn’t get so much as an arm in now. Many of them haven’t fit her for the best part of 3 years at this point but for some reason I just haven’t been…